When people talk about remodeling a kitchen, one tends to get an image of a cavernous place where a meal for an army could be cooked. If you have a small kitchen, don't feel left out. You can make big changes to the look and feel without much effort.

If you are currently living in an apartment with no intentions of moving, you can really turn your small kitchen into a gourmet's dream with a few adjustments. Some of the new kitchen designs for a small kitchen include space makers, back lighting, interesting color schemes, and decor that is just a bit wacky. In order to make your space seem bigger, you will have to have a lot of imagination and a few tricks up your sleeve.

What's the number one problem with a tiny kitchen? Space. Chances are, if you have a compact kitchen you are probably lacking all kinds of space. Do you have enough counter tops in the room? Where are your knives? What about all those pots and lids? With any tight space, you must begin to move items off of the floor and counter in order to create room to work and move. How do you move things that you use frequently off the counter? Why, look up, of course!